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Pride & Prejudice

Most recently submitted Pride & Prejudice Articles

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By Rujan Ahmed BRONZE
Atlantic City, New Jersey

Raised in a conservative Bengali Muslim family, I was taught to fear God and never do anything that went against His will. I knew how to pray by the time I was four and finished re...
Rujan Ahmed BRONZE, Atlantic City, New Jersey
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By Sarajacqueline BRONZE
Middleton, Massachusetts
Sarajacqueline BRONZE, Middleton, Massachusetts
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By Anonymous
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By Anonymous
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By Anonymous
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hanablock BRONZE, Belton, Texas
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By Melissa Hinojosa BRONZE
West Orange, New Jersey
Melissa Hinojosa BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
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By jalisamd BRONZE
West Orange, New Jersey
jalisamd BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
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By Ashamedlover BRONZE
Shelbyville, Kentucky
Ashamedlover BRONZE, Shelbyville, Kentucky
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Favorite Quote:
"I;m not crazy or dangerous, just a little eccentric and lonely." - Emma Forrest

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Alli Golisch BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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