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Pride & Prejudice

Most recently submitted Pride & Prejudice Articles

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By Callaghan PLATINUM
Medford, Massachusetts

I heard a story today in school. It was at an assembly, but it wasn't a student that told it. It was a teacher. Not a teacher I'd ever had, though I will next year, yet t...
Callaghan PLATINUM, Medford, Massachusetts
41 articles 8 photos 56 comments

Favorite Quote:
I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right.
-Marcus Zusak, The Book Thief

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By Anonymous
wind_andthe_rainy PLATINUM, San Francisco, California
25 articles 0 photos 11 comments
vamika_s PLATINUM, Gaborone, Other
39 articles 0 photos 30 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Colour my life with the chaos of trouble"

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By dancer13 GOLD
Troy, Michigan
dancer13 GOLD, Troy, Michigan
19 articles 0 photos 98 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I do not want people to be agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of liking them." ~Jane Austen

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By cryforhelp95 GOLD
Nonw, Oregon
cryforhelp95 GOLD, Nonw, Oregon
18 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can be beautiful on the outside.. But if you have an ugly heart, you're ugly.

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Waterford, Michigan
Maryk PLATINUM, Waterford, Michigan
22 articles 1 photo 66 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The ability to learn is greater than the ability to teach." - Arnold Jacobs
"He who slays monsters will become a monster himself"-Nietzsche
"UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot nothing is going to get better its not"-Dr.Suess
“They are poor, especially for the player, I think it is very difficult to have auditions and find a suitable way to judge, because we have a great many talented players to choose from. This means a lot of heartbreak for the people who are very capable.”-Arnold Jacobs, Teacher and Tuba Player

Hot Topics
By Solnyshko SILVER
Richfield, Utah
Solnyshko SILVER, Richfield, Utah
9 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Logic and knowledge are not enough."- Spock

Hot Topics
By BellaPrincipessa SILVER
Green Bay, Wisconsin
BellaPrincipessa SILVER, Green Bay, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love isn't always fireworks. Sometimes love just comes softly.
-Love comes softly by Jannette Oke

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By Brooke Eisenmenger BRONZE
Sherburn, Minnesota
Brooke Eisenmenger BRONZE, Sherburn, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments