Everyone Is Beautiful In Their Own Way | Teen Ink

Everyone Is Beautiful In Their Own Way

October 9, 2014
By Ilea12321 BRONZE, Belgium, Wisconsin
Ilea12321 BRONZE, Belgium, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
No smile is more beautiful than the one that struggles through the tears

You know what really gets me mad? When all these beautiful girls and women say that they are ugly. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. To be honest, the definition of beautiful does not require the word skinny. I just want to take everyone who looks in the mirror and says they aren’t pretty, and make them see what it takes for the girls in the magazines to look the way they do, because those pictures aren’t real. People just don’t understand that no matter what you look like, you are beautiful, on the inside and out. Girls get judged for everything. But in all reality, they are perfect the way that they are. Just because you aren’t the skinniest person alive, and your face has acne, doesn’t mean you aren’t beautiful. Or those girls that wear makeup to make themselves look prettier. Your beauty comes naturally. Like they say, "Insecurity is what’s ugly, not you."

The author's comments:

I kept hearing a lot of girls say that they were ugly, when in all reality they were beautiful

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