Whar Freedom Means to Me | Teen Ink

Whar Freedom Means to Me

March 18, 2016
By hairoldi GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
hairoldi GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

50 stars. 13 stripes. That is what every American sees when they look at his flag. However, it is more than stars and stripes: it is a constant reminder of those who are dedicating their lives to protect our freedoms and rights-- a reminder of what it means to be American.

50 stars. Fifty stars symbolize the current fifty states. Each steadfast star soars above with the heavens and the divine goals in which Americans pursue. The billowing blue beneath the stars burst out vigilance, perseverance, and justice-- all of which a soldier solidifies when they choose to fight.

13 stripes. These stripes started the American story from the original thirteen colonies that devoted their lives to declaration of their independence. White whispers a melody of innocence, gives ability to start over during difficult times. Runs of rebellious red, fiercely pronounce courage and bravery of the soldiers willing to sacrifice their lives.

50 stars. 13 stripes. That is what every American sees when they look at his flag; However, I hope that to you it is much more than that. Each star and stripe stitches an everlasting promise, preceding you and me-- a reminder of what it means to be American. 

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