Teen essays on what matters and core values | Teen Ink

What Matters

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By Anonymous

The sun’s early morning rays peek through my curtains. Footsteps in the hall way harbinger preschool today. My mother pulls that long string, and light comes pouring into my...

Shamoyia Gardiner SILVER, Miami, Florida
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By RafaelaK BRONZE
Farmington, Connecticut
RafaelaK BRONZE, Farmington, Connecticut
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By Anonymous
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By Anonymous
ValZambrano BRONZE, Monterrey, Other
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Apaiz33 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
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Shimonu BRONZE, Cape Town, Other
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Favorite Quote:
I always admire those who look good. You know, like model good. Because the hours they spend getting ready are the ones where I’m hunched over a computer like a hermit, desperately trying to hit my count. I never know where they get the time ~ Simone Robinson

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By Hannah Rae SILVER
Houston, Texas
Hannah Rae SILVER, Houston, Texas
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By Pebopablo BRONZE
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Pebopablo BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments