Teen essays on what matters and core values | Teen Ink

What Matters

Most discussed What Matters Articles

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By LaurenRox BRONZE
Arvada, Colorado

Gargantuan halls, big classes, countless numbers of people pouring out of everywhere plague my mind. I’m absolutely terrified, but that is pretty normal right? I have a few friends...
LaurenRox BRONZE, Arvada, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

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Always do right this will gratify some people and astonish the rest.... Mark Twain

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By jessieroza43 SILVER
Traverse City, Michigan
jessieroza43 SILVER, Traverse City, Michigan
9 articles 0 photos 7 comments

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"You never know how strong you are until being strongis the ony choice you have" - Unknown

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By Anonymous
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Harvardstar BRONZE, Sugar Land, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 4 comments
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By PeteMets BRONZE
Downers Grove, Illinois
PeteMets BRONZE, Downers Grove, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
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By Anonymous
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By Anonymous
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By Xindi Xu SILVER
Gilbert, Arizona
Xindi Xu SILVER, Gilbert, Arizona
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments
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By Anonymous
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By Aginger GOLD
Bingen, Washington
Aginger GOLD, Bingen, Washington
11 articles 0 photos 46 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Why are you so busy trying to fit in when you were born to stand out?"