The Ballad of the Dream Speaker | Teen Ink

The Ballad of the Dream Speaker

June 2, 2009
By Rayanne kieselhorst BRONZE, Atascadero, California
Rayanne kieselhorst BRONZE, Atascadero, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I lay in bed one night
i thought of God's power and might.
About his love and grace
and of his glorious light.

A I dreampt i saw his face,
surrounded by people of every race.
Atop his holy head sat a royal crown
and at his feet a crystal vase.

All God's people came not one wearing a frown.
playing a harp was a lady in a beautiful satin gown.
The people joined in with song and praise
they humbled themselves before The King renounced

And out of the sky came the sun in elegant rays
as they shown down on The King of all days.
Oh how they loved him and held him near
They promised forever to follow his ways

Joy Thanksgiving spread across the land
trumpets joined in to help out the band
then from the sky flew a single white dove
and a rainbow reflected off the sand

A representation of His love
there was hardly anything else to speak of
everything was mended that was once broke
mended by The Healer from above.

And when i awoke
from above God spoke
"Go and share what you have seen with all who need hope"
so today i share God's love with many a folk!

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This article has 2 comments.

Anno82 GOLD said...
on Nov. 16 2023 at 12:36 am
Anno82 GOLD, Austin, Texas
14 articles 0 photos 47 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Peace doesn't come from finding a lake with no storms. It comes from having Jesus in the boat." -John Ortberg
"God doesn't break things so He can fix them; He fixes broken things so He can use them." -Bob Goff
"Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?" -Corrie Ten Boom

I loved it!!!! Great job! Keep up the great work, keep sharing God’s love ❤️😊

hope said...
on Sep. 12 2009 at 6:01 pm
that was asome!!! i love it