David Eddings' Books | Teen Ink

David Eddings' Books MAG

By Anonymous

   Most avid readers of fantasy have heard of David Eddings. He has written two series with five books each that take place in a "Middle Ages" realm where every land has a powerful king. Magic is a whispered rumor in which most citizens take little stock, and the Ancient Belgarath and Evil Torak are considered to be little more than myths. Garion, the main character of both series, finds out that magic is a very real force, and Torak soon threatens his very life through his evil minions.

The first series is called the Belgariad, and its first book is Pawn of Prophecy. Eddings' second series, set in the same land with most of the same characters, is called the Mallorean. Guardians of the West gets this series off to an exciting start, but it is suggested that you read the Belgariad first, otherwise you will not understand all the events that take place in the Mallorean.

Eddings uses some interesting techniques in his writing. He does a very good job of writing descriptions of situations and people. These descriptions are not quite as wordy as J.R.R. Tolkien's, nor are they as short and abrupt as Piers Anthony's. The action never stops, and shifts constantly from group to group of characters who are on opposite sides of the world, creating a very suspenseful series which is impossible to stop reading.

For those Eddings fans who have already read the Belgariad and the Mallorean, there is a new series. It is set in a different land than the first two series, but is still very interesting. I have not read the whole series yet, but The Diamond Throne, the first book of the Elenium, was perhaps better than the previous Eddings books I've read. The Sapphire Rose, the conclusion of the series, recently came out in hardcover and should be available in bookstores if it is not yet on your local library shelves. n


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i love this !