Why do teens rebel? | Teen Ink

Why do teens rebel?

November 13, 2010
By amkdancer BRONZE, Franklin Square, New York
amkdancer BRONZE, Franklin Square, New York
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Adults tell us to speak our opinions but why do the shoot us down with it? We try to express our creative minds, but just get nothing at all. With no opinions being listened to it cause teens and children to rebel. When youth doesn't have an opinions it causes them to think no one cares. Which leads to them turning to terminal things like alcohol/drugs/smoking. I have talked to many of my peers, who have experimented with these toxics. They all say the felt like they had no voice/no way to express themselves. It starting from one of my peers parent not letting them dress a certain way to abuse. Clothes to Abuse is a drastic change but they both are examples of someone not having a voice. This is why teens rebel! No voice, no hope and feelings of rejection.

The author's comments:
I sadly have seen this in many cases but if teens look in the neighborhood or even there school. You can see all these lost youth and just a hand can help everything, even a small hug can help. They just want to feel loved and listened too.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 18 2013 at 11:45 pm
Amazing Article! I used this for a research essay at school. Great job! :)