Don't Need Anyone | Teen Ink

Don't Need Anyone

January 18, 2012
By -Duckie- GOLD, West Fargo, North Dakota
-Duckie- GOLD, West Fargo, North Dakota
18 articles 0 photos 127 comments

Favorite Quote:
Your heart is a weapon the size of your fist. Keep fighting. Keep loving.

Sadness fills the unturned pages of my mind
I’m like a book left on your shelf,
You meant to read it but you never tried
You never care, so I guess there’s no reason for me to hide
All I wanted was a little bit of love, but you gave me empty lines

And so I’m out
From now on
No more falling
Don’t need anyone
And when it rains
I’ll stay home
I’m done dancing
Don’t need anyone

Memories flood, if I had saved the tears I might’ve drowned
Strong arms, soft heart, that smile I loved so much, eyes so brown
My mind’s pictures of the times you’d laugh, and spin me around
Pretty things to hold onto
When you let me down

And so I’m out
From now on
No more falling
Don’t need anyone
And when it rains
I’ll stay home
I’m done dancing
Don’t need anyone
You wouldn’t know, but it gets awfully cold
When you’re all alone
Nowhere to go except your own mind
If you have to go, then get out now, I guess
And shut the door
But if you want me to stay warm
I guess I’ll have to try
I guess I’ll have to try

Happiness, a fairy tale I’ve kept, in the back of my mind
Something far too thin to bring to life
No matter how hard you try
Like happy endings, you got yours, now I’m
Gonna figure out mine
Gonna try and pick up the pieces
Of my crazy life

And so I’m out
From now on
No more falling
Don’t need anyone
And when it rains,
I’ll stay home
No more dancing
Don’t need anyone

Oh, I don’t need anyone
And maybe
Someday, I’ll find someone
But till then
I don’t need anyone

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