Easy A | Teen Ink

Easy A

October 28, 2012
By Anonymous

Series Are Better Left As Singles

Easy A, in which Emma Stone as Olive Pendergahst plays an unpopular girl, who tries to help people by pretending to be a s***, does not even come close to its basis, “The Scarlet Letter”. The movie’s rendition merely takes the novel and places it as an object that starts a comparison between the two as the story evolves. This being said, Bert Royal’s movie still gets a solid C for its adaptation of “The Scarlet Letter”.

Although “Easy A” seems to have almost no relation to its corresponding book there are some key points that give this movie a passing grade. One thing bad about the movie is that nobody ever actually commits adultery. In the movie Olive Pendergahst begins by telling everybody she kissed someone and went from there. This has no relation to “The Scarlet Letter” where Hester Prynne commits adultery, gets convicted, and is sentenced to where a letter A for adulterer. Next the movie falls deeper into its failure by having Olive Pendergahst choose to where a letter A to spite her friend and to show the whole community she has slept with people. This is almost opposite what happens in the book where Hester is embarrassed at what she had done and excludes herself socially from society by living away from it. The movie also deviates from the book when Olive shows who she has “slept with”. “The Scarlet Letter” is predominantly about how Hester and Dimmesdale hide their relationship until the very end. The one thing that “Easy A” did right was putting Olive Pendergahst in a position where she was subjected to ridicule and social exclusion by everyone but the person she loved. This matches the book very well because this is the point of both the movie and the book; feeling remorse and social exclusion because of something society thinks you did and that same society over reacting to what you did. Over all Bert Royal deserves a C for his rendering of “The Scarlet Letter” because he flunked the story line but eventually got the same or a similar moral across to the audience.

The movie turned out ok and its C ratting for morals that it taught make it a bad rendition of “The Scarlet Letter”. They had similar morals but all other aspects of theme were smashed in an attempt to make a good movie in this case. The movie has an extra lesson to be brought from its content that you have to be careful, because many people will need no evidence to believe that you did something. In the end the book and movie are very different but both succeeded in there separate ways. How would you resolve such a conflict?

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