Emmet Till | Teen Ink

Emmet Till

December 11, 2013
By Anonymous

Emmett Louis Till, along with many others, was the reason for a civil rights movement. He was a young, innocent fourteen year old boy when his life was gruesomely taken. Emmett didn’t realize that whistling at a white woman cashier was wrong. He never knew the consequences of his action, he didn’t even get a second chance. He was brutally beaten, and shot in the head which led to his painful death. People across the country were grieving over the tragic loss. Emmett had an open casket which was shown in the newspaper across the country. Even worse, the men guilty of killing Emmett Till were acquitted. This ignited a flame in African American people fearing for their lives at first, but then they were brave enough to start the civil rights movement. They did non violent protests, spoke up for what they believe in, and fought hard to earn their equality. This case sparked an ignition in Medgar Evers and the NAACP. Along with Medgar Evers and the NAACP, was a huge group of African Americans that were also willing to fight for their rights. There were boycotts, protests in the streets, freedom riders and many other ways African Americans fought for their equality. These people who participated in those freedom earning activities, influenced many other African American and Caucasian people to also participate in these activities; because everyone knows the only way to earn equality was to fight for it, and thats exactly what thousands and thousands of people did to start the civil rights movement. In conclusion, the sad case of Emmett Till sparked the flame in people across the country to fight for what they believe is right; this was just the beginning of what would be a lifelong journey of the civil rights movement.

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