It's Your Responsibillity | Teen Ink

It's Your Responsibillity

March 2, 2014
By Anonymous

Imagine your child is out at the store with ones parents.The child goes off and steals a persons new shoes.should the child be held accountable?Parent should be responsible for their child's actions.

Parent’s are childrens models.Whatever the child’s parents do the child wants to do the same thing.’’journal of Abnormal Child Psychology showed that parents should demonstrate the qualities they want their child to imitate.’’(Article1#)par 5.the parent must watch what they do in front of their child.Any bad thing that a parent does in front of their child.Can influence them to do it at any time.

The way parent act could affect what their child does.With parents accountable for their child can lower crime rates.Parents are being accountable to keep their child out of trobble. when a child starts to act with bad behavior. Ones parents should step in and to stop what they are doing and act right.’’People genetically prone to behave the way they do because of how they were raised.’’article1# par 5.If one’s parents take proper responsibility.Their child would stay out of trobble.

Although parents should be held accountable for their child’s behavior.someone on the other side would refer to the child to be held accountable,for the what the parent has caused.

in conclusion parents should be held responsible for their child’s actions,Also of what they decide to do in front of their child.

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