Underage Drinking | Teen Ink

Underage Drinking

May 20, 2014
By JohneyaL. BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
JohneyaL. BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you're gonna be two-faced at least make one pretty."

Underage drinking is getting out of hand. About 95% of teens are drinking to fit in with others. Teens are either passing out or getting put in jail. We must stop underage drinking. Underage drinking is getting teenagers to the point that they drop out. Teenagers drop out because they feel that school isn’t worth their time going and getting a degree. Teens drop out needs to be controlled by someone; instead the students are out on the streets selling drugs and alcohol. These teens are getting too addicted to drinking underage and they aren’t old enough to control what they are dealing with. They won’t be able to deal with the behavior that they have to deal with if they get in jail or what their parents have to deal with seeing there kid in a place they don’t want to happen right now. So get kids back in school where they belong. Underage drinking needs to be stopped by someone.

The total of underage drinking is leveling out to be 20 and 25 years of drinking. Mostly cause they can’t mature enough without drinking every day and at party. Drinking is getting 75% of teens killed at parties or drinking and driving. When they get in a car and drive drunk they end up killing their selves or getting someone else killed. For example, a little girl was 6 years old she was walking in the street with her mother and she died because someone hit her with their car and she went flying across the road and died at the sense when the police and ambulance arrived.

Parents don’t care about their child drinking because they are never around to know what they are doing. Parents every now and then don’t know what causes this rebellious stage or when it’s going on. Parents no, but they don’t have enough money to get their kid help or at least help them from drinking. They get the bad habits from watching their parents/parent drinking around them when they were young. Why do they let their kids drink? Mostly have a habit of drinking will lead to their bodies when a person in their family drinks underage or drinks a lot.

Most people would say that teenagers are able to drink under age because they can handle all the toxic in their bodies and their able to only drink the amount they know they should drink. They say that teenagers are mature enough to drink whenever they feel like it, but drinking numbs the body and it makes teens harder to kill.

Teenagers are not able to drink underage because they are not mature enough. Teens should know how to deal with underage drinking. Most of them will die or end up in jail; we can try to get teens in a support group to help them stop drinking. It is very bad to hear about teens dying and ending up in jail because they are regular teens like me. Teens have to know right from wrong and the difference that have to face by drinking each day. They should know when to start drinking at an underage.


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