Lost in Bliss | Teen Ink

Lost in Bliss MAG

By Anonymous

     Sitting next to him at the movies and wishing he would reach for my hand, I tell myself he will in time. And he does. When he offers his hand, I take it. Now all I can think about is how my hand in his feels so right.

We walk side by side and hand in hand to his car. He opens the door and as I go to get in, he takes my arm. He looks as if he is going to tell me something, but he doesn’t say a word and lets go. He walks to the driver’s side and climbs in. We ride in silence all the way to my house.

Just as I start to thank him for such a wonderful evening, he reaches over and tucks my hair behind my ear. I know what is coming next and I don’t move. We kiss and I am lost in bliss.

He gets out and opens my door before offering me his hand again. I take it and we walk to the house. He smiles and tells me he had a lot of fun and would like to see me more. I agree.

Then he pulls me in close and kisses me again. My stomach does flips. Wow! Who would have thought? I find my keys, thank him, and go inside. I listen to his footsteps walking back to his car. I feel as if I am on cloud nine.

That is when something catches my eye. I don’t remember it being there before we left. I look and see it is a card. I open it and read, “Tonight was the best night of my life. I hope that you will be my girlfriend.”

I start to cry. This is possibly the sweetest thing a guy has ever done for me.

My cell phone beeps and a text message comes through asking, “Did I win your heart?”

I quickly text back, “Yes, you did.”

Then I climb into bed to let dreams of him run through my head.

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This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

on Nov. 9 2010 at 8:23 pm
BeautyandBeast BRONZE, St.Peters, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 30 comments

Favorite Quote:
Mom: I learned my lesson, I had three of you!
Daughter: You didn't learn your lesson, you had three of us!!! lol :D

that is one of the most romantic things ive ever read!