Pollution Not Reduced Enough? | Teen Ink

Pollution Not Reduced Enough?

February 16, 2015
By Anonymous

I think that the things that people are doing to reduce pollution aren't working enough to solve our pollution problems. Some things that we use to get around make a lot of pollution. Some things that we think out of can do a lot. the last thing is what the factories are doing.
First lets start with the things we use to get around that pollute a lot. We use cars with gas to get to work, school and others. Think about how much pollution you are putting in the air, but what’s the big deal its only pollution who cares. This pollution creates worst things than just smoke. Like acid rain. According to the article clean air for kids there are 23 million cars on the road in britain 20 million of those are cars that pollute bad gases. Also, we think that electric cars would help the pollution, but its not we are still putting pollution in the air. How you might ask let me tell you the energy we use comes from a factory where they use resources to burn and make that energy and they pollute a lot when we use energy. So that is one way to tell how bad pollution is from just cars. 
The next thing is the Factory’s. We use energy in our house and other places, but we need energy to make food and things like that.  How it gets there is from a factory. How the factory makes it, they pollute the air so that way we have energy, but how much are they polluting you might ask. They pollute a lot every day so we can have energy in our house to use and warm things with. What they do to make energy is they burn like coal, plastic and other things so we have energy in our houses. Also according to the article protecting nature pollution. It says that birds and trees and wildlife is getting killed a lot because of pollutio.   
The last thing is what we can do to help out to reduce the pollution a lot. One thing is to change your old light bulbs with the new fluorescent ones what they do is not use so much energy to create a light. Instead of using a dryer go outside and hang dry your clothes. Don't take a bath take a shower to reduce water usage and less energy to get the water pumping to the tub. There are many more things you can do in your everyday life to reduce the pollution in our society. All of these things come from the site 50 ways to help the planet. 
In conclusion you can tell that the things that people are doing to reduce pollution aren't working that well. They are polluting the same or polluting more than before. So think about the things you can do to help out the pollution.

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