If One Day | Teen Ink

If One Day

February 25, 2015
By Damara Diaz BRONZE, Carrollton, Texas
Damara Diaz BRONZE, Carrollton, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Friendship means understanding not agreement.

it means forgiveness not forgetting  

I’ve been walked on, used and forgotten

and I don’t regret one moment of it,

because in those moments I’ve learned a lot,

I’ve learned who I can trust and cant

I’ve learned the meaning of friendship

I’ve learned how to be myself

and appreciate the truly great people in my life

as they arrive. If one day you feel like crying

call me

I don’t promise you that I will make you laugh

but I can cry with you

if one day you want to run away

don’t be afraid to call me

I don’t promise to ask you to stop but I can run with you

if one day you don’t want to listen to anybody

call me I promise to be very quiet.

But if one day you call and there is no answer

come fast to see me

perhaps I need you.

The author's comments:

I wrote this song because when I was younger I was getting bullied. I didn't have any friends I was judge on how I looked and how I acted and I was diffrent from the other people so know I'm in high school and my life change when  i found one of friends her name is Maria C. she's a great friend she showed me that their is a world out their with good friends.

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