Coffeehouse Poetry | Teen Ink

Coffeehouse Poetry

February 28, 2015
By whodoiwant2b BRONZE, ENID, Oklahoma
whodoiwant2b BRONZE, ENID, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wasn't the friend to you that you were to me all along.

I must have been lacking,

I must have been wrong.

I figured you were done and slowly packing.


Times got rough.

We created a wall.

You seemed tough,

But sometimes I wish you would just call.


Just like glass, my heart was broken.

Just like a star, you lit up my world.

There are words still left unspoken.

Inside of me, my stomach has swirled.


I can't concentrate on anything that I do.

At the moment I am feeling confused.

The sky is turning grey from being sunny and blue.

My heart has been bruised.


In the end all I have to say is : I love you, do you love me?

Our friendship is like a sheltering tree.

The author's comments:

I was going through a tough friend break up.

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