The American Dream | Teen Ink

The American Dream

June 24, 2015
By smile_to_life BRONZE, BROOKLINE, Massachusetts
smile_to_life BRONZE, BROOKLINE, Massachusetts
1 article 7 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." -Mahatma Ghandi

Freedom for all people,
Equality for every race,
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,
Happy smiles on every face.

“This is the American Dream.”
At least that’s what they say.

Poverty-stricken streets,
Children with homes to find,
While we bathe in our luxuries.
How are we so blind?

“This is the American Dream.”
At least that’s what they say.

The author's comments:

Many of us bathe in the illusion of "The American Dream" while poverty, discrimination, and persecution blatantly surround us. In writing this poem, my hope is that readers will begin to create space in their lives to help those less fortunate.

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