An Abundance of Katherines by John Green | Teen Ink

An Abundance of Katherines by John Green

September 10, 2015
By Aengle11 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Aengle11 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The little girl just could not sleep, because her thoughts were way to deep, her mind went out for a stroll and had fallen down the rabbit hole.

I've read two other books by John Green and absolutely loved the two novels. Being familiar with the author and his amazing talent definitely made this novel easier to read. Although An Abundance of Katherines was not my favorite I still enjoyed reading it. It was an amazing story that didn't disappoint. It was nothing less than what you would expect from the marvelous John Green.
An Abundance of Katherines is a heart warming story of a heart broken hearted child prodigy who's heart has been broken 19 times by girls named Katherine. Not only that, but this novel is an excellent demonstration of friendship. When the main character is feeling blue his best friend is the first one to the rescue, and decides to suggest a road trip. On this road trip the main character, Colin Singleton, will learn that change is not always a bad thing and that holding on to the past won't keep him from growing up. Colin and his best friend, Hasaan, didn't know how much this trip would change them, their lives, and the little town of Gutshot, Tennessee.

This novel opens your eyes to a story you don't get to her about much, the story of a child genius. It makes you realizes that everyone gets their hearts broken and there is no use on being hung up on someone who hurt you. It also shows that nothing last forever, because the story shows a child prodigy growing out of the title he has possessed since he was three, and its time to let it go.

I was absolutely thrilled to see the explanations to the words that are not commonly used at the bottom of every page. I would recommend this book to everyone but especially anyone getting over a breakup. It's a truly great novel.

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