Whats in my journal? | Teen Ink

Whats in my journal?

October 14, 2016
By allisonlkelley BRONZE, Brentwood, New Hampshire
allisonlkelley BRONZE, Brentwood, New Hampshire
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Write about who you are as a reader or writer”
“Write about your hobbies”
“Write about you and your family”
meaningless prompts.
These are all just meaningless prompts
unnecessary blandness fills the cliche pages
writing for the sake of an A.
Nothing speaks
it is silent and dull,
‘who are you’
black and white,
‘what do you like’
filled with words but with no meaning.
There is no imagination,
no joy
no love
all just meaningless prompts.

Barely breaking the boundaries of creativity
nothing is worth it.
Everything is so elementary,
‘what did you do over the summer?’
I could try and elaborate,
but what is the point?
This may be my own fault.
But it is still all meaningless prompts.

The lack of excitement is unbearable
I can not take much more.
They are chewing up my imagination,
these meaningless prompts.

The author's comments:

This was coinsidentally inspired by a writing prompt.  It is a hypothetical Journal that is very uninsparational. 

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