Our Best Memories | Teen Ink

Our Best Memories

December 11, 2012
By D.D.M.R BRONZE, Pheonix, Arizona
D.D.M.R BRONZE, Pheonix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A big thanks to Sarah Anderson for her article "Our Best Memories". This article is moving to me because it is a lovely story of two best friends that one has left but the memories have not. Although he wanted to have something more than a friendship he would never change it. It's sweet how he thought of their relationship first.
People today mostly live in the moment without thinking of the consequences it can bring. A action can change a relationship forever, but its just not actions it includes words along with it. Many people do things to see of what could be and take that risk, but if you knew that you would loose that person forever should we take it? I believe this article shows us that we have to take care of the people that we have and not loose them by a simple action. Although some things lead to good things some do not and we would regret it for the rests of our lives. Sometimes it better to live with them as a friend only than not being part of their lives anymore.
In this article a quote that moved me the most was, "If I could relive it, I would. But I wouldn't do anything different," this quote shows that he would have rather die with her being by her side rather than having her die without him by her side. Most loves stories end in a happy ending, this might not be a love story but its a story about true love.

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