Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 28, 2014
By AlexCrosier BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
AlexCrosier BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Tomorrow is another Day

My favorite teacher Ms. Harmon was the best teacher I’ve ever had. She will probably stay the best for the rest of my life for many reasons. She is so caring and loving for all students, and she dedicates personal time to helping others. She cares about other’s problems in and outside of school and helps people cope with their troubles. Ms. Harmon and I relate in ways I never thought possible with a middle school teacher.

This year Ms. Harmon will be 24 years old. She grew up on the east side of Newark, DE. She attended Gauger Cobbs Middle School and Glasgow High School. She furthered her education and attended Wilmington University and got her undergraduate degree in sports management. She also earned her MBA in Business Marketing. She graduated the year I met her which was the 2012-2013 school year.

The first day I walked into class, I knew something was different and special about Ms. Harmon. She wasn’t your average teacher and I knew right away that I was going to like her. She was happier to be in school than I was and seemed happier than most of my other teachers. Perhaps it was because she was fresh out of school or even her age, whatever the reason it always led up to a good day in her class. However, we went through struggles at times but got ourselves back to our usual happy attitude by then end of the day. Ms. Harmon always has something up her sleeve to make you happy no matter how sad or upset you are. I would leave all of my friends at lunch to come eat my lunch and talk with her. I would stay after school just to talk to her.

Ms. Harmon and I would talk about the weirdest things and then we would talk about something completely different and have a good old-fashion heart to heart. She was someone I was
very comfortable with talking to no matter what mood I was in. If I saw her, a smile would usually be found on my face. I really excelled in her class; I became a teacher’s aide for the next two marking periods. My old school went by an even/odd day schedule. Although I didn’t have her every day, the days I did have her were especially great days!

Ms. Harmon also got me interested in BPA (Business Professionals of America) and now I am involved in my high school’s BPA program and competing for speech. She taught me a lot that I know about stocks, and I actually love learning about the stock market unlike most 15 year olds. But stocks are a whole different story. Ever since I’ve been obsessed with stocks I’ve actually made some decent investments and money in stocks already.

Ms. Harmon was my favorite teacher out of all of them to date, and I would never ever take back anything that happened in her class or in the school year with her. It’ll be one I will remember always. That is why I nominate Ms. Amber Harmon as The Educator of the Year and the teacher that has made some of the biggest influences in my life.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by my 8th Grade Business Teacher

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