Balwinder Malhi Co-President of Altimate Delivery Service | Teen Ink

Balwinder Malhi Co-President of Altimate Delivery Service

May 10, 2009
By Harman Malhi BRONZE, Wild Meadow Lane, Illinois
Harman Malhi BRONZE, Wild Meadow Lane, Illinois
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Balwinder Malhi is a Co-President of the company of Altimate Delivery Service. He works in an office and runs the company by assigning routes and managing the company. He was been working in this job since 2002. Before working as the Co-President of the company he used to be a truck driver and work for Harlem Furniture. Now he is a contractor for Harlem Furniture and runs his own company.

What is your job at work?

Well, I am the Co-President of the company Altimate Delivery Service, so my company delivers furniture for Harlem Furniture The Room Place, and I am a contractor that works for them. So when I am at work, I manage all of the truck routes that we have, and I assign them to the drivers. For example, I usually assign 20 trucks a day. I will keep 3 of them for my guys to run and give the rest to the sub-contractors I have.

Do you think your job is easy or hard? Why?

Well, I think my job is right in the middle. It is intermediate in diffucilty. This is because when I am at work sometimes if something goes wrong like we send the wrong furniture on the wrong truck then we have to delay the delivery to the customers house. Which is hard because then the customers have complaints and our workers get criticzed for their bad work. Or maybe one of the deliverers accidentally does damage to the customers properties’, then we get more complaints. But other than that my job is very easy to do if you have the right skills. For example, you have to know how to work a computer and be very businness like, because I work in an office.

Do you enjoy your job? Why?

Yes, I enjoy my job, and the reason I enjoy my job is because that I worked all the way from being a truck driver. To the President of my own company, so I think I have done a good job. So this leads to me enjoying my job.

How often to do work, so like your weekly schedule?

Well, I work Tuesday through Saturday during the weeks. I only get two days off like most people, but instead of getting Saturday and Sunday off I get Sunday and Monday off. This is because my business partner gets Saturday and Sunday off so one of us has to work on Saturday and that would be me, but he has to work on Mondays.

What is your favorite thing to do at work?

Well, my favorite thing to do at work would be to use our special fingerprint to sigin in the mornings and to signout in the afternoon. It is just so fun. Also another thing I like to do at work is use the special mapping software to locate all of the stops per route, and then assign the routes while looking at the map. It is really neat with all of the technology that we have at work, and it is pretty neat to mess around with sometimes.

If you had a choice would you change your job for any job in the world?

No, this is because I love my job, and it is very interesting for me. Some people may not like my job, but I love to do this job and that is why it is my job.


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