The Most Fun I'd Had in a Long Time | Teen Ink

The Most Fun I'd Had in a Long Time

February 4, 2011
By youaintgotnopancakemix SILVER, Danbury, Connecticut
youaintgotnopancakemix SILVER, Danbury, Connecticut
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

May 6, 2010. Islands of Adventure.

By far the best day of my life.

I pretty much made it my goal to go on the water rides first and then not get wet at all after that.


So I went on the Bilge-Rat Barges, the Ripsaw thingy, and then said, “NO MORE AFTER THAT.” to my friend, Taylor.

When we went to the place where we were supposed to meet, guess what?

There was a stupid fountain that talked to you and then squirted you whenever it could.

So pretty much EVERYONE GOT SOAKED. But the fountain had a sense of humor, so it didn’t matter at the time.
Then, after this show thing, Taylor and I went to Marvel Superhero Island (again) to go on the Spiderman ride (again) and continue to play the “Adam game.” When we were done with that, it was drizzling, but we still had some time to kill before leaving the park, so we went to some store.

What do you know! As soon as we were done, it was pouring outside!
Hooray for irony.

So we had to run for our lives. In the rain. In flip-flops.

And I laughed the entire way to the exit.

When we finally found shelter, I was soaked, but I was the happiest I had been since February.

I wish I could back to that day. Heck, to that amazing trip!

Global Endeavors- the best week of my life.

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