The Darkest Night has a Moon that Glows Bright | Teen Ink

The Darkest Night has a Moon that Glows Bright

April 19, 2024
By 4bodway GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
4bodway GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Batman is one of those characters that when compared to all the other characters in their fictional universe may seem weak but in reality, is the one who is probably able to do anything. Cause in multiple of his stories he has faced off against villains who were way stronger and had powers unlike him. He has gone up against villains who even superheroes who had powers were scared of.

An example of this is whenever he faces off against the character Solomon Grundy who is way bigger and stronger than Batman. But Batman does not run away despite knowing this instead he uses the fact that he is a lot smarter and faster than him. Then using these skills he is able to take him down. Now this happens in quite a few stories where he is facing off against a stronger foe and even though he knows that he perseveres and succeeds.

Another example of this is how he deals with his enemies. Most of them have come back multiple times and hurt so many people and most heroes would just end the villains or just give up on saving the city. But not Batman instead he keeps fighting the good fight even when it becomes frustrating or seems hopeless. He does not give in to his dark side or give up.

Now the main reason Batman has been able to pull off these feats is because even when he was backed into a corner he never gave up. He was able to do it because He believed in himself and because he did not listen when others told him he couldn’t do it. He was able to do it because he refused to accept defeat even when he was down on the ground. He was able to do it because he believed in what he was doing and this allowed him to defy the odds at every turn.

Now seeing Batman being able to do these impossible things just because of his unyielding determination and his want to persevere and succeed have made me see that if I persevere I will be able to do things that before I would never believe I could do. It has also taught me that even when you are backed into a corner you should never give up because even when things seem bad you always have the chance to make things better. It has also taught me that you can defeat almost any obstacle in your life no matter the size if you just persevere.

Now with these lessons, I have been able to overcome some big obstacles in my life. An example of this is that I believed I was gonna fail a class but even though I thought that I did not give up instead I kept going using my study halls to work on stuff in the class and by doing this I was able to pass which I would not have been able to do if I did not persevere. Another example of a time where these lessons helped me is when I wanted to quit a job of mine cause I believed it was too hard but I did not quit and instead kept working and soon enough there was no reason for me to quit because the job became super easy which I would not have been able to see if I had just given up and quit.

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