Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire | Teen Ink

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

November 6, 2014
By ajs1414 BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
ajs1414 BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My first major experience with lying was when I was six years old and I was in a weeklong basketball camp. I had been looking forward to camp all summer, I was finally old enough to participate in the camp my sister had been doing for years. It was the first year I had been eligible to take part and to my surprise I was the only six year old who took advantage of this camp that year. This made me the youngest camper, which automatically drew attention to me.
  The camp was run through my town and the counselors were high school basketball players. My brother and sister were both in high school at the time so I already knew several of the counselors. From day one I got more attention than I had ever expected and me being an average little kindergartener I ate the attention right up. I was more loud and outgoing than ever just to keep the spotlight on me. For lack of a better term I was a big shot, everyone knew who I was. They laughed at all my jokes, followed me around, and to a six year old it made me feel famous. I guess you could call it my five days of fame because I had never been so adored as I had that week. As the week started winding down I became more and more desperate to keep myself in focus. Anything that would get people talking I was willing to do.
Naturally, the popularity got to my head and I took it too far. My favorite counselor Kristen was sitting with my while we were watching a game being refereed by one of the only males there. We were taking and joking around when the unnamed man walked over and started teasing Kristen. Truth be told I assume they had crushes on each other and as he walked away she told me to pants him. To this day I am not sure whether she was joking or not but as the little attention-seeking girl I was I took her literally. In this spur of the moment decision I ran up to him pulled down his basketball shorts and ran back to Kristen as fast as I could not even bothering to look. Sadly, he didn’t think the joke was too funny and started yelling at me. I started crying and he tried to get me to quiet down. Kristen, still in awe, tells him it was her idea but that doesn’t help the situation at all and I am still hysterical next to her. After a few minutes with a plethora of shushes and “it’s okays” I cooled off and took a breather in the locker room. Throughout the whole endeavor the manager of the camp never managed to find out. This was key in keeping the situation out of the ears of my parents. The whole fiasco did the job of getting me attention but by now it was unwanted.
I had tried to go on with the day and not bring it up. If anyone tried to talk to me about the matter I would shut him or her down completely. By the end of the day everyone knew about the affair but nobody had the guts to bring it up anywhere near me. I darted out of camp like a bullet, raising a little suspicion in my mom. Her curiosity soon subsided as she became preoccupied with my siblings. Conveniently this was the last day of camp and there was a limited time for people to relay word of the pantsing to my mom or dad. To this day my parents don’t know what went on that Friday at camp and hopefully never will. I guess you could say my week of stardom went out with a bang, maybe not a good bang but a bang none the less.

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