Waiting for it to Happen... | Teen Ink

Waiting for it to Happen...

August 17, 2015
By ferry123 SILVER, Sharjah, Other
ferry123 SILVER, Sharjah, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I rest on my bed at night, when the lights are shut and when my adrenaline is at peace. I began to stare at the ceiling and see moments of my day flash before my eyes. Some of those that are humiliating and I ought to wish I hadn’t done, and those that are the highlight of my day and get me all excited in my head and take away my priceless sleep at night. There are also other things that we tend to think about, that might have not taken place yet, but they might in the near future. These moments worry me. They fill me up with an anxious curiosity that grows each day.

But that’s the least stressful part of my life’s journey. It’s that frantic phase, where we have to learn to prepare ourselves in order to face the uncertain and then simply wait for it to happen. It’s awfully difficult to wait for something to happen, especially when one contains no idea about its actual date and time. So preparing for the future is important, but it doesn’t necessarily stop the good and bad things from happening. It simply minimizes the actual impact of that certain moment. Something that is bound to happen will find a place in your life and will influence you in ways that you never could’ve imagined.

So my point is, why stress at all? Why think about the things that might happen? Why build fantasies for tomorrow when you can make plans for today? And most importantly, why give up your precious sleep stressing over the hurdles that tomorrow might bring. Maybe tomorrow might be a good day, or maybe it might not turn out like you wanted it to. The most important factor to consider is to ensure that you make the most out of each day. That is your achievement. Sometimes the things we had planned for ourselves don’t happen. But that teaches us to become stronger and wiser, gradually as we learn the reasons for their occurrence. 

The Future is an unknown transpiring universe that will slowly unfold in a systematic sequence at its own time. This is natural, and we cannot fight it. Therefore, we have to learn to embrace its hidden beauty and not stress over the circumstances it might put before us. We have to learn to adjust ourselves to everyday. We must learn to grow with time and cherish the memories we make each day that are now a part of our past. Perhaps yesterday we were mere followers that adapted ourselves to meet other’s demands. But we can change that today, and hence change the way we look at our future. We should stop waiting for it to happen, otherwise it never might.

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