Looking for the Stars | Teen Ink

Looking for the Stars

September 16, 2015
By ferry123 SILVER, Sharjah, Other
ferry123 SILVER, Sharjah, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was young girl, I always wondered to what it felt like to watch the stars. But whenever I glanced through my bedroom window, I seldom saw these stars. All that I could always see was a deep dark and infinite void that encompassed my entire view. As I grew, so did my curiosity. One night I stayed awake to see them, to learn if they had a particular time. But again, I deemed that the stars didn’t want me to see them.

There I was at my bed that night. Heart-broken. But was it the first time? Every time I made an attempt to chase this dream, I struggled, I retained hope, yet I failed. Not miserably but tirelessly. Until this one day, my desire to give up was strong and clear. But somehow this was beyond my childhood fantasy. The stars didn’t seem to matter. The magic and the mystery suddenly disappeared. All I could see in this empty sky were my dreams all falling to pieces. My self-esteem collapsing. My anxiety was stirring. Everything surrounding me was whispering my failures. As if my life had nothing to offer me, yet I persisted to expect great things.

All I wanted to do was bring life to my dreams. Instead I spent most of my life chasing them with the promise of tomorrow’s possibilities. Was I lost for guidance? Or was I lost? Was fate  against me? Or was it building my path? Fate has peculiar ways of showing us to what we are truly meant to be and to where we most strongly belong. But that I was unaware. As an individual I always believed in fate. I always truly knew that all bad and all good were meant to happen if it was fate. I wouldn’t be able to stop it from happening. No I can’t interfere in nature’s business. All I can do is embrace it. And that’s the wisest decision.

We as human beings plan our lives. Create events and construct our calendars. But little do we know that we are not in-charge. Sometimes things happen to us. They happen for a reason. The same reason that can be beyond our comprehension. And I will eventually learn to live with that knowledge. As I go on, my priorities will change. My ambitions will get deeper and pragmatic. Time will mold me to its wish. But my dreams will only lie with the stars. That won’t change. Whenever you see me hoping, you’ll find me looking for the stars.

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