She Then Unfolded | Teen Ink

She Then Unfolded

December 7, 2015
By rachelfouks BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
rachelfouks BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Some of us have great runways already built for us. If you have one, take off. But if you don’t have one, realize it is your responsibility to grab a shovel and build one for yourself and for those who will follow after you.” ~Amelia Earhart

She was home alone on a sunny school day.  Telling my mom, “I’m sick” just to stay home that day.  We knew there were rough problems at the school that was going on, so my mom said, “Yes.”  Even though she knew it was a lie.  No one ever knew anything like this would happen, but she hid the razor in the bathroom cabinet.  No one could read her mind and know what she was really thinking.  All I thought to myself was, “I wish I could have helped her.”  She deserved to be treated better at school.  What happened to no bulling? That everyone should treat people how they wanted to be treated. 


Throughout that whole day, I was talking to my sister.  She seemed just fine to me when we were talking.  Of course that’s what I thought.  It was through a screen phone.  Then it became later in the day around 6:34 P.M.  My sister and I were at basketball practice, while my mom was at work, and my dad was coming home.  With my oldest sister at home “sick”, we thought everything would be fine, and we couldn’t wait to go home for dinner that night to stuff our faces with food.  Then all of a sudden, our lives changed forever.  A single second out of that whole day something bad just had to go wrong for us, but why now?  Life seemed to be going good for us at the time, until this very gloomy night. 

B had grabbed the razor and took it to her wrist, wanting to be done with everything, but hoping not to do a lot of harm to herself, or to anyone else.  She cute herself that very dark night, thinking everything would be better.  Hoping the pain would just go away, and all the problems in her life would stop.  She just wanted to live a normal life, just a regular life that a seventeen year old girl would live.  She didn’t know she had cut herself too deep, but she did.  No one knew what had happened yet.  She was home alone with the blood dripping slowly from her wrist down to the wooden floor. 

It was now going on to 6:39 P.M. and my dad had just arrived home from working a late night.  He then found B on the bathroom floor crying her eyes out.  With the blood running down to the floor, all she said to him was “I’m sorry.”  That very moment my dad picked her up, and rushed her to the hospital.  As soon as they arrived at the hospital she had to go get stitches right away.  B then arrived home around 7 o’clock that evening.  To her this isn’t what she wanted to happen, she just wanted all the pain to go away. All the problems in her life to stop. 
At the moment B is now home sleeping on the couch, and my sister and I are just arriving home from basketball practice.  We walk in the entryway, and go straight to the couch, like every normal teenage would do when they got home.  We stop and see B sleeping, but all of a sudden I whisper to my sister “What one here wrist? What is it all bandaged up?”  That very moment I knew something bad has happened to her.

“Can you girls come here please?”  My mom said.

“Of course.”  I stated.

Our mom then took us into her bedroom to talk to use about what has happened to our older sister.  All I remember was my mom saying, “Your sister cut herself deep.” I thought to myself over and over again. “Why?’  “Why would she do this to us?”  Then I remember, her life wasn’t perfect.  School wasn’t going good for her, and no one was helping.  My sister then awaked, and we all headed into the living room to see how she was doing. 

“I’m sorry, and I love you guys.”  B stated

“I love you too.” I said back to her.  While staring into her blank blue eyes.

I then realized that this situation could happen to anyone.  This just hasn’t happened to me, there are other families out there to that has had this problem happen to them.  My mother then told me late that night if my dad didn’t get home when he did, my sister wouldn’t be with us anymore.  It hurts to even thing about that, because B was an excellent student, and no one could have ever seen this coming. 

To this very day it’s been shortly over two years since the incident has happened in my family.  I still get the jibbers thinking about all the blood that just dripped from her wrist down to the bare wooden floor.   If my dad didn’t get there when he did, my life today would be so different from how it is right now.  I thank god, and I even thank for my sister every day for her pulling through.  Not a day passes by where I don’t tell my sister that I love her, because you never know what might happen the next second that goes by. 

Yes, everyone may hold their feelings into themselves, because they are afraid no one will care.  In reality no matter who it is, they will be willing to help you.  People might say “Oh well. It’s just a cut to the wrist.”  No it’s not just a cut to a wrist, it’s a life changing action.  What if they ended up hitting a vain in there wrist? That’s someone’s life at risk, because people are to ignorant to just stop and ask someone, “How is your day going?”  People don’t realize that this could change a person’s mood in just a spilt second, and how they feel about everything.  Be satisfies with the life that you have, and never waste one second out of it.  Be grateful for the friends and the family that you have, because you never know when one of them could change your life forever.  I love my sister, and I will never shame on her what she has done.  Her scare is now just a story that needs to be unfolded. 

People may ask questions, but they do not have to answer. This is reality not a dream.  We all have an untold story about a scare, and this just happens to be hers. Before you make fun of someone for their scare, or judge them because of it, make sure there wasn’t a good reason behind it. 

She just wanted all the pain to go away, and all the suffering to stop. She never meant to go this far. This was her life, and thins is now her story book. Learn from what has happened, and always remember behind a scare there is always a deep story that needs to be unfolded. This is her past, and no one’s life is perfect.  Everyone has flaws, and we all just have to deal with it. 

My sister now tells me today, “No one is perfect.”
“We all have flaws.”
“Cutting is not that thing to do to solve all your problems.”
“Talk to someone to get help.”

I now listen to my sister advice to this very day, because to my sister she didn’t think this would change our lives, but it did, but she thought it would just change hers.  Before doing something that you might regret for the rest of your life, or even something is on your mind.  Talk to someone about it, no matter how hard it might be.  Someone will always be there for you no matter what you think. 

The reason my sister did this was because of how people acted, and the school simply just didn’t do anything about it.  My sister later on got help after this incident happened. She didn’t deserve that, no one did, no one deserves to go through that kind of pain that B had to go through. All because she thought she was alone, and that no one was there for her. 

Stand up for what you think is right, and if you see someone being disrespectful to someone.  Stand up and tell them, “NO, that’s not right of you to do that kind of action.”  Maybe you have a story about a scare, or an incident that has happened to you, that needs to be unfolded.  It’s now 2015, and life couldn’t be better for my family, and most of all my sister.  She has become so far in life.  You have to learn to move on in life, no matter how hard it might be. Show that you’re stronger then what people think you really are.  My advice to you is, never give up, and always dream on. 

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 11 2015 at 5:34 pm
ImaginationIsImportant SILVER, Mumbai, Other
5 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
I have two favorite quotes:
'Remember it's just a bad day, not a bad life.'
'We were born to be real, not perfect.'

I love this article. I absolutely love it. You've voiced your thoughts...something which many people are afraid to do. What you write, the way you write, its all just so convincing and makes me feel like im not the only one who wants to say all this. I hope your sister is better now and she's doing good! And I also hope that people see this article, because its a must read. According to me, its on my top 3 to-read articles. Keep writing stuff like this please :)