Beauty and Betrayal | Teen Ink

Beauty and Betrayal

December 23, 2015
By ferry123 SILVER, Sharjah, Other
ferry123 SILVER, Sharjah, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The rain crashed against the bleak tint of my window. My heart was racing. My lips were getting colder as the night transitioned into a new mystery. My eyes were slowly sinking to the music of my mother’s wind chimes dangling from a distance on the porch. I was all set to embark on this once familiar journey again.

Clueless to the very idea of embittered betrayal. I was its most vulnerable victim. Tirelessly being dragged into its magnetic charisma. Then resentfully tossed out like a pebble into the sea. I questioned this treachery, as I grew more distraught and destitute in my sentiments. I had only begun to count my agonies, when I spotted a vague reflection of blue eyes. Big Blue Beady eyes glaring into mine from the shady surface of my window.
As I silently admired the intensity, they had begun to lure me once again into their strange mist. A slight breeze touched my cheek. A touch as soft as a hundred roses. The clatter of the rain became weaker. The night grew deeper. My eyes were numb. My heart was still. I heard whispers. Flirtatious temptations. Night Changes. I glare into the fire of her mesmerizing gaze, only to find myself struck again.

The moon was our spotlight. The roses were our spectators watching us peacefully as we danced through the night. As time became less considerate in my favor, I sensed her feeble arms parting from mine. The warmth from her presence had begun to fade away. Gradually she whisked away with the power of the wind. My eyes saw everything, but my heart believed none of it. My heart was struck with a thousand stinging arrows.

The magic had disappeared. The mystery evaporated into thin air. All I could see in that window was an affronted reflection in bitter distress. Agitated and badly bruised. I felt pity on myself. I had suffered enough from this haunting sorrow. I was wretched and my self-control was dying. All of a sudden I heard an eager squeak that came from outside. I glimpsed through the shady works on my window. I witnessed a striking glow. My anxiety came to a rest. It was warm, radiant and wild. It was the most beautiful memory I had ever created until today.

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