A Note for My Mother | Teen Ink

A Note for My Mother

April 8, 2016
By g0dsent BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
g0dsent BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Children are puzzles.

As they grow up, they develop pieces; parents see the pieces and help the children put the puzzle together. I want you to know its not your fault, that my puzzle is scattered in a mess across the floor. It is my own. For I have developed pieces that you don't think belong. At first you didn't know they were there; you had a perfect puzzle of my life completed without them. Then one day, you opened the box beneath my bed and saw all of my extra pieces that you didn't want to see. You aren't sure where they fit in my puzzle. You don't think they belong. You have torn my puzzle apart and you're trying to build another with all my pieces inside. But what you don't understand, is the puzzle you built is better off without those pieces. I hid them away so you could love the puzzle you built. Im sure you could love them, those pieces that I hid. I planned on showing you them someday, but you found them too soon. Now my puzzle is a mess. You're disappointed. I know you love my puzzle, but i also know you don't love all my pieces. That isn't your fault though, I had them hidden for a reason. I'm not one for wishful thinking, but I wish you wouldn't have torn my puzzle apart while trying to place my new pieces in. You took out the pieces that you didn't like. I loved those pieces. You're confused about my scattered puzzle, I know. But what you never realized, is some pieces are better left as secrets.

The author's comments:

My mother recently found out some things I did and it has really damaged our relationship. I hope we can be okay again someday

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