Analysis of Matthew Chapters 26-28 in the New Testiment | Teen Ink

Analysis of Matthew Chapters 26-28 in the New Testiment

January 8, 2017
By ZoeElsa GOLD, Kamas, Utah
ZoeElsa GOLD, Kamas, Utah
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What are the principals being taught? We learn that Jesus acted in faith when he administered unto the sick and used the priesthood power. I also learned that he helped others acquire spiritual knowledge. Jesus taught and testified of gospel truths to help others learn to act in faith and go to heaven.

Why are these principles/doctrines important to understand? These are important to understand because without this knowledge we cannot live in a christlike way and return to heaven. Jesus gave us multiple examples of how to be kind to those who smite you in his ministry. His example of how he lived, down to the last hours of his life as he died on the cross, were ultimately perfect. He asked our father in heaven to “forgive them for they know not what they do”. I don’t believe I would be able to forgive those who had caused me that pain. But through Jesus’s teachings, I can learn to be better and forgive those who have hurt me. I learned that if I act in faith and do service I can be closer to him. Jesus also taught us of the sacrament and how it is important that we take it so we can renew our baptismal covenant.

How do the scriptures teach these principles? The scriptures show us prime examples of these principles and how to apply them in our daily lives. The scriptures give us teachings so we can get divine instruction for our lives. If we can remain close to God he will help us interpret the words he has given to us. We can use what the prophets and apostles have said to become better people.  We were given prime examples of those who gave everything to God. We can observe what they did to learn how to live.

How can these principles help today? These principles can help us today by helping us stay true to the iron rod. Doing service can help us value what we have more and get blessings to help us in our lives. Taking the sacrament renews our covenants which bless us and help us be more in tune with the spirit. The atonement is important because it is the reason we can go back to Heaven. The atonement helps us understand why we are here and how our choices influence us. The golden rule, or doing to others what you would want to be done unto you, helps us be kinder and giving to others. It helps us forgive and improve upon ourselves. Resurrection is a key component in what we believe in. Resurrection helps us know that those who have died will one day live again and we will be able to see them. This has helped me in my own personal life as I have lost those who are close to me through the years. The act of striving to have a perfect life like Jesus Christ is beneficial in helping us retain the spirit and faith. Having this spirit can influence our choices by warning or giving instruction to us. If we act in faith we can be safe from harm and know we followed the spirit’s instructions. Instructions such as the ones in the For the Strength of Youth are examples of instructions that we may not understand but if we follow them we can remain happy and obtain eternal life. The instruction to wait to date until you are sixteen is something that many do not understand the reason for. But acting in faith can help save us from any poor choices and consequences from that. When we act in faith we can also help others along the way. Influencing others and helping them acquire spiritual knowledge is beneficial to both parties. Having knowledge of the godhead helps us interpret the scriptures better and expand our knowledge. The plan of salvation is something that helps us understand our purpose in life. If we know who and what we are we can go through life in a more meaningful manner.

The author's comments:

This is analyzing key components and parts of Matthew Chapters 26-28 in the New Testimate. 

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