Sports Can Change Our Life | Teen Ink

Sports Can Change Our Life

April 12, 2024
By Anonymous

Do you feel tired?  Do you feel like your life Is just too simple, and everyday Is the same thing? Do you want to try a new, Interesting, chapter In your life? Well, there Is a solution to that because you can try out different sports! Sports are creative In every way, and bring different connections to people really fast.  Just by looking at a sport that seems fun brings you joy, and already happiness In life. While it may seem like sports are just a silly hobby, and useless, that's not true because sports are actually good for your health, your future, they are a good use of your time, and sports have a history! It seems silly, but It's true. Sports do help reduce stress, and anxiety. Sports are also a good distraction for people from their life stress, and problems. Sports make people dive more Into what they enjoy. Even though life Is stressful there's got to be a way, a time, just something to do to change our never ending, fast-paced, life In a way we like, and enjoy. Sports are just the right solution to that problem. Meanwhile, sports are fun, and relaxing, they help your health when you move around, and you start to forget everything bad In life. Sports also helped me on my bad days, they are a really good distraction. You should definitely try them out!

More people should care about sports because It is important In life, and It can help you with your future. Firstly, While the sport that you like becomes your favorite hobby, you really start to get Into It. Then, like most people, you start thinking about your “future,” and you decide to get Into a good college because you have the sports skills. Sports can even become your real job! A good example of that Is like, “Cristiano Ronaldo,” he worked hard, and had the talent to get Into a good college. He even became a famous soccer player at a young age ( This shows that even If sports seem like just hobbies, and they seem like they won't get you anywhere, they can still help you get going In life just like many famous players. Sports can become your future If you only believe In It, and truly set that as your future goal. The best thing about having a career In sports Is not only being able to earn money, but also because It's a job that you truly enjoy, and something that you decided to work hard to achieve. 

Although, at the same time some may say that sports are boring, and they rather spend their time on something else, but when playing sports you can have an amazing time! and spend your time well. But, now, In a time like this people are lost in their devices, and don't treasure their time or use It properly. And they start to waste their time. But, you can still start a new chapter in your life, and turn your life around If you start to play sports. While playing sports you can actually find a connection with It, and start to get lost In It. That's a good thing! When playing sports you start to get more Into the social, physical, life, and start coming out of your “so called comfort zone” Which actually wastes most of  your time. If you spend your time on something that will come, and go, and won't be useful ever again, then your life won't have a real meaning. Meanwhile, sports help you make friends, and sports help you get used to having people around you. You might even change yourself In a good, positive way. Don't wait until later to change the way you spend your time; It might be too late. Trust me. 

A better way to show that sports are Important Is when you will get to know about the history behind It, and what made sports fun, and more popular over the years. While It's true that some people may think that sports just started when people were bored, and wanted to do something to entertain themselves, that Is true, but It's not the only reason because some people had a bigger story of how they started to participate In different sports. To begin with everything had a beginning, so did sports, and over time It got more popular, and more noticed. According to ( The first sport that was ever discovered was,“wrestling,” taking back 15,300 years ago. It got quite popular because of how much It entertained people, and most of the community. Sports made people's life better, and much funner. That's what made sports mostly popular. So when people started to realize the fun that sports brought, and how people started to socialize more with each other, they started to discover more new sports. This all shows that In the past people only played with what they could find such as rocks, sticks, mostly anything they could find! And It still made their life Interesting. But, today, we have all kinds of different popular sports, yet not everyone wants to play with them. It's important to know that the sports we have are a lot for us. We can change the way we think about sports by learning the history behind It all. 

Although, after reading this essay, some critics may still think that sports are a waste of time, and It's just a silly hobby. However, you can find a deep connection with sports, and even learn a lot from them.  Humans need something to keep them away from their stressful life, and something to help their future. You can find a new, interesting chapter In your life with sports If you truly try, and set that as your future goal for life, and at the same time you can have a good time. Sports are the perfect choice for success.

So, Finally, people should care more about sports because there are different sports for different people, and their perspective. People may not be Interested In the same things as others, but there are more than one sport that you can choose from. People can find different sports that make them comfortable, and something that they are not forced to do. Also, sports that you choose will show your real self; You don't have to pretend who you are when playing sports.  

In conclusion, just playing sports can show you the reality of the world. It may be true that there Is a limited amount of time In our life, but just by taking time off your devices will be a good way to spend your time with sports. You won't even realize how much time you spent because of how fun sports are. So, now, what sport are you going to choose to play? I can't wait until you try the sports that “you,” truly enjoy!

The author's comments:

This Argumentative essay was asked by our language arts teacher. We were supposed to write something that we want to argue about, and I chose to argue about how ''People should care more about sports'' because sports can change your life, and something to distract us from the never-ending, fast-passed world. And sports are the right solution! I think sports can help you with a lot of things, and its the perfect choice for success; You should definitely try out the different sports that suit you best!

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