True stories by teens written on a variety of topics. | Teen Ink


Top voted Nonfiction

#8661voted by our readers
By Anonymous

“You can be the outcast, or be the backlash of somebody’s lack of love. Or you can start speaking up.” —‘Brave’ Sara Bareilles. I was the girl who, in a room full of pe...

#8662 Nonfiction
anb2014 BRONZE, Oak Harbor, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#8664 Nonfiction
By siglo15 SILVER
North Andover, Massachusetts
siglo15 SILVER, North Andover, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 10 comments
#8665 Nonfiction
By Anonymous
#8666 Nonfiction
#8667 Nonfiction
peacelovecheer525 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#8668 Nonfiction
By starwriter GOLD
Durango, Colorado
starwriter GOLD, Durango, Colorado
17 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hearing voices no one else can hear isn&#039;t a good sign, even in the wizarding world. <br /> -J. K. Rowling

#8669 Nonfiction
By TheGenesisWriter SILVER
Hemet, California
TheGenesisWriter SILVER, Hemet, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.&quot; -William Shakespeare

#8670 Nonfiction
mattmel11 BRONZE, Cumberland, Rhode Island
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments