Teen opinion essays on war, peace, politics, justice and more | Teen Ink


Most recently submitted Points of View

By willmv9 BRONZE
Lafayette, Colorado

I live my life in a series of cages. Moving from one to another, to another, to another. Every place I’m in, there are these rules I must follow; and these limits I can not exceed....
willmv9 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

By NymphadoraMyDear BRONZE
Glendale, Arizona
NymphadoraMyDear BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
John Green &gt; quotes <br /> <br /> <br /> See if your friends have read any of John Green&#039;s books. <br /> Sign up &raquo; <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> &quot;Saying &#039;I notice you&#039;re a nerd&#039; is like saying, &#039;Hey, I notice that you&#039;d rather be intelligent than be stupid, that you&#039;d rather be thoughtful than be vapid, that you believe that there are things that matter more than the arrest record of Lindsay Lohan. Why is that?&#039; In fact, it seems to me that most contemporary insults are pretty lame. Even &#039;lame&#039; is kind of lame. Saying &#039;You&#039;re lame&#039; is like saying &#039;You walk with a limp.&#039; Yeah, whatever, so does 50 Cent, and he&#039;s done all right for himself.&quot; <br /> &mdash; John Green

By MarieWes BRONZE
Glendale, Arizona
MarieWes BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Write only if you cannot live without writing. Write only what you alone can write.&quot; -Elie Wiesel

Raiyen-F03 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

By JamesS41 BRONZE
Glendale, Arizona
JamesS41 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments
AndrewM. BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
BaileyBurke BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;You never got to bloom, they cut you from the stem&quot;

Korissa BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments
By spaneitz SILVER
Glendale, Arizona
spaneitz SILVER, Glendale, Arizona
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
For what it&rsquo;s worth: it&rsquo;s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There&rsquo;s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you&rsquo;re proud of. If you find that you&rsquo;re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.

Glendale, Arizona
AncaB BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments