A Simple Argument about McDonald's Happy Meals | Teen Ink

A Simple Argument about McDonald's Happy Meals

June 30, 2023
By BananaN3rd ELITE, Clarksville, Tennessee
BananaN3rd ELITE, Clarksville, Tennessee
110 articles 9 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
If the pen is stronger than the sword, what am I supposed to do when the pen declares a war?

Yes, the title is exactly what I mean. This is going to be an argument about McDonald’s Happy Meals. Be prepared, because I’m just as confused as you are.

I’ll start with a simple story about a friend. Let’s call her Tina. Tina and her little sister went to McDonald’s, and both got Happy Meals, since the month’s toy theme was Pokemon. When they got their Happy Meals, they both opened them up only to see the same toy. Instead of opening up the toy, she messages me and starters ranting because they both got the same one.

I’ve heard several people complain about getting the same toy in every Happy Meal, and I’ve seen the complaints of parents whose children started arguing because their kids got different toys. I’m still upset about that one time that instead of six nuggets, I got four. Yes, I have a simple mindset, but you’re the one who clicked on this. You should have expected something stupid and silly.

So the question I have to ask is: should McDonald’s give different toys in each order of Happy Meals, or should they always be the same? I’ll provide a good argument for both. (If I don’t, Tina is going to be spamming me for the next two months.)

The side of different toys, here’s what I’ve got. Different toys would definitely cause arguments among younger children, while the older children/teenagers would be trading them somewhat peacefully. It could also be done only with drive-through meals, as none of the workers would have to deal with any arguments. That would be for the parents. With different toys also comes the prospect of revenue. If a family with three kids all get different toys, and those kids are collectors, then they’re going to want to go back to finish off that collection, even if this time they get the same one all around.

The side of same toys tends to be liked more, with both parents and employees. When employees reach into the small box/bag of toys, they’re just trying to quickly get the toys into the box and send it out. Fast food is called fast for a reason, you know. Once they’ve gotten their food, and if children get the same toys, they’re likely to complain, but not start pummeling each other in the backseat because one of them got a rare and the other got a common toy. And, as most people say, violence is not the answer.

So there’s the arguments, what do you think? I personally say that it would depend on how busy the restaurant is when they give out the toys, so the employees don’t get overwhelmed with trying to shove different toys into different boxes when it’s rush hour in the McDonald’s parking lot.

Let me know what you think in the comments for this article. I’m personally very interested to read what you would have to say about this topic, as many people I’ve asked just shrug, as none of them go to McDonald’s anymore. Those people will never experience the true chickee nuggee.

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