When will action be taken? | Teen Ink

When will action be taken?

January 23, 2013
By mkgm15 SILVER, Congers, New York
mkgm15 SILVER, Congers, New York
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

As we stand in the shadow of one of the country’s worst school shootings we need to take action to reflect on our gun control policies. Since 1996,The United States has had a total of 31 school shootings while the rest of the world has only had 14. There are 195 other countries in the world and yet we are the ones with most gun violence taken out in schools.

For children schools represent a safe zone where they are free to express their mind and develop into members of society. If we tarnish the image of safety with horrible violence taking place in schools we ruin the future adults of America. In light of the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, we truly see how far gun violence has come in our country. The ability to purchase semi-automatic and to purchase over 1,000 rounds of ammunition on the internet disgusts me and needs to be taken under control.

After one of the most horrible high school shootings, Columbine, gun sales spiked in the United States. Americans need a sense of protection for their families and their lives, the necessity to turn to guns is sickening. It seems as if we have little or no faith left in our police force or the ability for our country to protect us.

A major debate in gun violence is how our society is spending leisurely time. First person shooter video games such as Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto have extensive scenes of violence. Also, movies with gun violence have been debated on influencing our youth. But, these movies and games are released all over the world and the USA has had the most school shootings. In my opinion, video games and movies have no influence on how the youth are brought up.

I am calling for an extensive plan for the ability to purchase a gun and the ban of semi-automatic and automatic weapons. If one desires to protect themselves, their home, and their family they do not need a weapon which is used in the army. Guns were meant for protection yet now they have transformed into violence and a sense of fear in the American.So, calling all Americans who can see the true need for control over our weapons, we can make a difference.

The author's comments:
In light of the recent debates over gun control and regulation I wrote this piece to reflect my opinion.


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