Food Nannies | Teen Ink

Food Nannies

December 16, 2013
By Joey Filmanowicz BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Joey Filmanowicz BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In this country, we have a democratic government built on the foundation of a being a “free country.” However, our current government is enforcing laws that are regulating what people can and cannot eat as a country.The government should promote healthy eating for it’s country, but not to enforce it. If this is a free country we, as American citizens, should be able to eat what we want.

Much of the food on the market, especially fast food, is not very good for your health. Foods now are loaded with fats, sugars, dyes, preservatives, and carbs that if eaten often can start to dilapidate your body. Not only are these foods easier to get a hold of, but they are also so much cheaper. For someone with a tight budget, a one dollar burger with two patties at McDonalds sounds pretty appealing.

Even though this food is bad for you, it isn’t the government’s job to tell businesses, (that are not owned by the government in the first place) that they can’t sell something. In New York, the state government has set a regulation on how big soda sizes can be. Are we allowed to set regulations on how the government can run their system? No. So why can they tell our businesses to change their menu options? We do live under the government rule, but that is to keep us safe, not to keep us from making our own decisions.

What if when the government takes away a right from the American people, then they lose power? Or even just a limit on how much they can regulate? That only seems fair. Also I think it would make the government think twice about taking control of what we can eat.
In the “Myth, Lies, and complete stupidity, it said that the New York Government is placing a ban on table salt in restaurants all over the state. Also in the video, John investigated whether or not salt is a problem. And he came to the conclusion that salt is bad in excess, but it isn’t even bad for most people. So do you think the government would investigate these type of things more if they had some sort of regulation cap? I think that would cause the government to really look into the bills they are passing

Back in the days of our founding fathers, they built this country on the dream that it’s people would live free. And that’s how they ran the government. Hands-off only butting in when someone broke the laws of the country. It was not the job of them to tell people how to live their lives then, and it shouldn’t be their job now either. There weren’t nearly as many bad foods for you back then as there now, that doesn’t change the freedom we still posses.

There is no doubt this country has a weight problem. But government intervention is not the way to solve it. It is our right as people to keep ourselves healthy, or not to. It is not the government’s job to make us eat how they want us to.

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