How Does Nature Help To Prove God's Existance? | Teen Ink

How Does Nature Help To Prove God's Existance?

October 1, 2008
By Anonymous

How Nature Helps to Prove God’s Existence

Nature looks up to God, the trees, mountains, the sun shines down on us, the world is full of amazing miracles; The creatures are complex in how they are

made and look, each one being different from the other. How you can tell how old a tree is by counting the rings, is that not amazing? Each human body, though

some may look alike, they are all different, think differently, talk differently, and their lives are different.

The sun shines down on us through the days, its energetic heat warming the earth at exactly the right temperature. If the Earth were any closer or

farther from the sun, we would all either burn to death, or freeze to death. My point... If the earth were not perfectly stable where it is, we would all die.

This cannot be a mistake.

If you don’t believe that God made the universe explain this to me! Our earth is the only planet that rotates on an axis, at around 23.5 degrees; and has a

livable atmosphere, gravity, and life. Why are not any of the other planets livable? Or have life on them?

God supplies our needs in nature; the fruit and vegetable trees and plants supply an abundance of our food; Also for the animals, creatures, rodents, and

bugs does He also supply food and shelter for.

Grass, plants, trees, bushes and other living plant-like things are able to grow; But how? They don’t have blood and bones. They have water green stems,

and trees have trunks. How can all of these things be so perfected and be an accident or a mistake? It really shows how they have to have a maker or creator.

There are no other gods such as ‘sun gods’ that only create certain things. There is only ONE True God who created ALL OF IT and is the God of ALL OF IT.

He (God) created everything, - people- plant life-organisms- atoms, and everything else; If parts of the Bible is true than isn’t all of it? God must be

true. If a normal person was ‘god’… well they wouldn’t be. Man cannot even make a single living thread of grass, and defiantly cannot make a person, animal, or

plant. They can only mix, change, destruct or destroy what is already there. There is a God and He did come down to earth in the form of a man, to his creations

but He was not a normal person, He was without sin, and yet He died for our sins. He Was and Is the only TRUE God.

God is not in everything though his artistic work may be;

Rain, clouds, sleet, hail and snow all show amazing features; Water re-cycles itself; and falls as rain, if there is a storm or very cold

weather the water vapor gets so cold that it becomes sleet, hail and snow. Snowflakes consist of six edges of flakes on each flake of snow. Every single piece is

different than the other. There are no two of the same things. That is too complex for it to be any mistake. And it isn’t a mistake, there has to be a God soooo big

that He could and can create a Universe, even if everyone living in it doesn’t acknowledge Him and His work. Who are we to say that it was a mistake?

Also have you ever heard of something good or pleasant coming from an explosion? Look around, when you blow something up (such as a bomb, firework or

other explosive) does it end up as a human being, a house, store, or animal? No! That just doesn’t happen. So the theory that we came from something that

BLEW UP is absurd.

If the world was a mistake then wouldn’t there be mistakes in it? Would there not be more days to take to make a full circle of the earth? (Or year) Would

not the earth be tilted or slanted more or less as different years come and go? Would our atmosphere be losing a lot of its control, and gravity? No it’s not because

the world isn’t a mistake, it is a creation.

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This article has 208 comments.

on May. 16 2015 at 1:27 pm
MinionForGod SILVER, Nixon, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I didn't receive my acceptance letter to Hogwarts so I'm leaving the Shire to become a Jedi to preach the gospel to all nations." (That's right! I can be a nerd and still love Jesus! God calls me to come as I am and that's what I'm gonna do!)

Awesome article. You did a great job proving God's existence. Keep up the good work. God bless you

Danowar303 said...
on Apr. 24 2015 at 6:39 pm
"science"? lets look at the definition of science, which is "knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation." it really bothers me when people say oh, science debunked the Bible, when it didn't. Science actually proves the Bible, there has not been any evidence of evolution (macro) found, neither any intermediates, perfect representations of the geologic column, etc. look at the Alps' Mythen Peak, where the strata are completely upside down, according to the geologic column. Next, look to fossils, which are something else that proves the Bible. Can a fossil be formed by an animal dying, then over millions of years sediment is laid on top of it, then it becomes a fossil? NO, and evolutionists and scientists know this, and they know that an organism must be RAPIDLY buried to become a fossil so the organism does not decay. Now look at the Grand Canyon (which the geologic column is also out of order in) and it also supports the Bible, because for deep grooves, valleys, caverns, and canyons to form like that the sediment must have been softened and washed away rapidly. All of this information supports the Genesis Flood, which also explains fossil graveyards, from organisms being carried away and jumbled together. Also, Yes I agree that saying there is only one God might be narrow and "offensive" but it is the right way there is only ONE God, and this is for EVERYONE whether that is their belief or not, 1+1=2, whether you believe that it equals 3 or 4 or 1000, it will always be 2 that is the same with God, God is always and always will be the ONE TRUE God, whether someone believes that the gods of Hinduism are true or that there is no God. It is also very ignorant to believe there is no God, because the evidence is right in front of your face wherever you go. Why would there be any morals if there was no higher power? In the end it wouldn't matter if you killed 20 people and robbed 20 banks, because there would be no reward or punishment, so why would you act good if it was all for nothing? There is no Heaven, no Hell, no reward, no punishment, no reason to even be alive. Life is much too complex and beautiful to have ever happened by chance, and it definitely did not happen by chance. I will end my argument with this, even though it helps SCIENCE CAN NOT MAKE AUTHORITATIVE STATEMENTS ABOUT THE ORIGINS OF THE UNIVERSE, LIFE, AND THE EARTH, because no one was there to observe it and experiments cant prove it.

elderoc said...
on Apr. 12 2015 at 10:28 am
You're right, it is offensive. And it's true. There is only one God. Other folks can have other faith systems. They're wrong, and it's not wrong to say so.

on Apr. 3 2015 at 12:06 pm
Allen. PLATINUM, Palo Alto, California
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[i]No matter how much people try to put you down or make you think other things about yourself, the only person you can trust about who you really are is you[/i] -Crusher-P

...The world does have mistakes. Leap years, different days in each month, blue moons, and so on. There's also the fact that natural disasters still exist.

FredTheFed said...
on Mar. 17 2015 at 4:22 pm
Your god may be the one and only god for YOU, which is perfectly ok, but it's offensive to say that your god is the only god for EVERYONE. Many other people believe in different deities or none at all, which should be accepted by others, but not allowing them to have their own faiths is NOT the right thing to say.

TonyMacaroni said...
on Mar. 17 2015 at 4:13 pm
You are treating the theory of evolution as if it's intentional by humans, when in fact humans are a result of it. We didn't TRY to make the big bang (which, by the way, you described incorrectly,) it just HAPPENED. Many scientists are somewhat religious. If the big bang theory made no sense, it wouldn't be widely accepted. I also think that the differences between everything are really an effect of randomosity- it would be impossible for anything to created billions of different patterns intentionally. I don't want to be rude or mean, or offend anybody personally, but many of your arguments (more than I listed) don't hold up to logic.

Aidan said...
on Mar. 17 2015 at 12:56 pm
Nature proves the existence of god. is what someone would say who is unaware of basic scientific principals. The big bang was not an explosion, as you claimed. The big bang was a reaction of matter, and antimatter. If god did exist, where are the abundance of miracles that abound in genisis and the old testament? pretty convenient how miracles disappeared as soon as cameras appeared. So, please tell me, why you think an all powerful being would create a group of "protected people" (the people of the jewish faith) and then put them through something as horrible as the holocaust. plus, our main light source gives us cancer. yeah. also evolution. also, if god is all knowing, it would know the feeling of sin, therefore god is a sinner, refuting the very nature of your "god" I am not a whiny hippy as @EasleyCadet500 claimed, I am en educated student, and winner of several prestigious awards. I would list them, but that would be rude.

Student310 said...
on Mar. 17 2015 at 12:42 pm
As an atheist, I do not believe in god, but I don't intend to start a debate. However, I disagree with many of the points made in the article. The list is as follows; 1. "Our earth is the only planet that rotates on an axis, at around 23.5 degrees" There's nothing particularly special about this. Each planet has their specific rotation and life will form on the planet with the right conditions. Let's say Earth had a different axis, then life might not form, but if another planet had the right conditions then life would form there. 2. "Why are not any of the other planets livable? Or have life on them?" We don't actually know that. There are many planets on which life may be. They are just too far away to fully examine 3. "There is only ONE True God who created ALL OF IT and is the God of ALL OF IT." This is what bothers me the most. Not only does he/she stray from the main thesis, which is that nature proves god's existence, but he/she also attacks other religions by saying there is "ONE True God." Professional writing does not include personal attacks nor does it emphasize that they are absolutely right. Professionals stress their opinion and inform with facts and observations. 4. "If a normal person was ‘god’… well they wouldn’t be" (not professional writing) 5. Connecting an explosion to the big bang is absurd. They are way different. Additionally, science proves that the universe is expanding, which leads us to believe that at one point there was nothing. Overall, I have nothing against religion. The writing style does not suit me though. The author asks provocative questions and makes accusations. The spelling and grammar is often incorrect and inconsistent. His/her style is, simply put, this; "God is real, nature proves this, there is only one god, I'm right, you're wrong, all science out the window.

BobTheBlob said...
on Mar. 17 2015 at 12:08 pm
This is decent, but I disagree strongly. I don't mean to be offensive but you sort of got the big bang theory wrong as well. Also, there is so much scientific evidence showing the theory of evolution, the big bang theory, etc. that it's pretty much incontestable. Here's something: the earth was created before the sun. we measure days using the sun. Therefore, even if you want to believe in creationism, there is no way to have measured how long the day when the earth was "created" so it could have been a 6 billion year day for all we know.

BobTheBlob said...
on Mar. 17 2015 at 12:00 pm
THat is not how you spell definitely also that is not the big bang theory and you should look it up.

Padfoot said...
on Mar. 17 2015 at 11:57 am
That is NOT what the Big Bang theory is. Sorry. I do not mean any offense. this article is well written and your arguments are ok. but ummm the big bang was not just an explosion. And why are you so quick to dismiss that theory? lack of respect for SCIENCE and EVIDENCE! anyway. Sorry if this comes across as mean, I'm sure you are a very nice person and i know you are a good writer.

on Mar. 12 2015 at 9:59 pm
ocean-blue PLATINUM, Colorado Springs, Colorado
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I'm sorry, if you were right, I'd agree with you. - Robin Williams

Amazing and definitely true! You are an amazing writer, great points and writing style. You hooked me in from the start. Thank you for sharing the truth so plainly! Keep writing!

on Dec. 12 2014 at 11:23 pm
ProfessionalJaywalker GOLD, Rockville, Maryland
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"Do your own bit of saving, and if you drown, at least die knowing you were headed for shore." -Ray Bradbury (Fahrenheit 451)

My comment is divided into four points so you all can reply to specific ones if you'd like. Of course, let's keep it civil and respectful, something that you all seem to be doing just fine. :) Point 1: I CAN'T completely explain how the Earth was created. But if we look back through the history of science, we progress and we learn. We learn more every day!
There's lots of things science can't explain. We don't know the Big Bang singularity (the exact place where it happened) but heck, we didn't even know how plants make food without eating anything until the 1700s, and there are still mysteries about photosynthesis. We keep asking questions, conducting more experiments, verifying our results. That's the scientific method. Also, I think the author of this piece has a slight misunderstanding of the Big Bang Theory; it basically means that there was an expansion starting at the middle of a black hole (or something, the jury's still out), and this expansion continues today. Point 2: I don't understand why we should give God all the credit for things that science can't explain yet. I trust in science, since it produces results that really can't be disputed. Yes, sometimes science gets stuff wrong, but that's due to human error (and for the record, science doesn't claim to be divinely inspired.) I mean, looking through religion throughout the ages, I don't understand why any religion is more legitimate than another, from the beliefs of the Aztecs to Christianity to Islam. It seems to me that trusting science, something that we know to be fact and has progressed throughout the ages, is more trustworthy than religion, which has changed radically and sporadically over time. Point 3: I'd like to address the entire claim of this piece. I'll admit that the article is very well written, much praise to the author. However, the argument seems to be to be that since the world is so complex and beautiful, doesn't that mean some Creator must be responsible?
I'd like to cite the Rock Star Principle. Lots of people aspire to be rock stars, and only a tiny percentage are successful and hit it big. I feel like the same is true of life in general on Earth, and the fact that there is life on Earth at all. Organisms that weren't able to digest food efficiently didn't live so long, so they died out, and those with the capability of acquiring energy quickly were able to live and then reproduce and pass this effective, useful trait on to their offspring. (This is natural selection, by the way.) So, naturally, the amazing, complicated organisms we have today evolved from those that had helpful traits! Of course, this happened through lots of trial and error. You, and I, and maple trees, and every single organism around, is a Rock Star! And we focus on those who made it big, not those who weren't so successful. I think this is amazing, but I don't believe this is all due to God and his plan.
Point 4: This is my biggest problem with religion. I don't mean this as a personal attack on anyone. In fact, I'd love to hear your critiques of atheism, and then we can have a mature, open minded conversation. I think if there was an Intelligent Designer, there would be a lot fewer problems in the world. I'm not going to lie. I have a very cozy, first-world life. I don't have to worry about where my next meal will come from! I don't have to worry about my safety on a day to day basis! I have a loving, supportive family and a great education and I can spend times working on my passions. I am extremely lucky, and grateful! But many people are not nearly as lucky. I honestly don't understand why a benevolent god would create illnesses like depression or AIDS. Why are there so many people in the world who don't have enough to eat? So many people who take their lives each year because they feel completely alone in a world with 8 billion people? Why do we have natural disasters?
Also, the world doesn't run smoothly. Photosynthesis and aerobic respiration, how plants and animals get most of their energy, are VERY inefficient processes. Why would God design them this way? Also, why does our main light source, the sun, give us cancer? Whew, that was a very long comment. Kudos to you if you read it all! Have a nice day. :D

on Dec. 12 2014 at 10:59 am
EasleyCadet500, Easley, South Carolina
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Success doesn't come naturally;you must work for it.

Best article of the day. Don't listen to the whiny hippies, but this the universe is truly proof that there is a God. The only reason people will disagree with you is because they are so deeply unsettled that there is a being more powerful than them. Well there is, and His name is God the Father.

RememberMe said...
on Nov. 12 2014 at 2:37 pm
its funny how he/she said that earth wouldnt support life if it was any closer or any further then asks how the other planets support life xD

EscapeRope said...
on Nov. 8 2014 at 9:33 am
EscapeRope, Cavite, Other
0 articles 0 photos 36 comments
"Grass, plants, trees, bushes and other living plant-like things are able to grow; But how? They don’t have blood and bones."   There's a scientific explanation behind it. To expect a plant to have blood and bones just because it grows is plain ridiculous.

biggs30 said...
on Oct. 14 2014 at 9:02 am
when you light a firework and watch it explode you dont ever see a person appear. That is how i know we didn't come from an explosion, we came from god  

on Oct. 6 2014 at 1:11 am
Live4jc PLATINUM, Pensacola, Florida
21 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
That man is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose-Jim Elliot

Great article(: I agree none of the world we see around us could have happened just by chance.

on Jul. 11 2014 at 4:57 pm
margaretelll BRONZE, Avondale, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I really love this

Jaquie_k said...
on Jul. 6 2014 at 3:48 pm
THANK YOU! all of these comments are negative and for a minute someone stays positive.,