She'll Change The World One Day | Teen Ink

She'll Change The World One Day

May 29, 2009
By LaurenTurnage SILVER, Dallas, Texas
LaurenTurnage SILVER, Dallas, Texas
5 articles 3 photos 1 comment

She'll change the world one day.
She'd tell you.
She'll speak infront of billions;
She'll find a cure for cancer
and save millions!
She'll change the facts,
and make it known that,
any one man can make an impact.

She'll change the world one day.
She'd make that promise to you.
She'll stop all the poverty
and make all your dreams come true.
She'd blow your mind with her photography.
The push of her finger,
will make all your thoughts linger.

She'll change the world one day.
She'd swear to you.
Helping others is her passion,
it's what she plans to do.
She has a lot to offer,
with a girfted heart, an open mind, and big dreams.

So get in line;
'Cause she's gonna change the world one day,
I know it, 'Cause she's already changed mine.

The author's comments:
For the old Emma-Meree, My best friend.


This article has 1 comment.

Madison_R said...
on Jul. 18 2009 at 9:57 pm
Madison_R, Carrollton, Texas
0 articles 3 photos 56 comments
Great poem! It has a nice rhythm. One thing I would suggest it making your ryhme scheme consistant throughout the main verses. I think it would make it flow nicer and give it some more structure.