The Useless Gate | Teen Ink

The Useless Gate

December 13, 2023
By 4greuel GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
4greuel GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Only two dark brown side posts keep me upright.

My wooden frame separates barely three feet of land.

To most observers I am the useless gate in the painting.

If so useless why do kids always remember to latch me shut?

I show you that nothing has changed.

Women have the right to vote now. But do they really?

They still have to be good wives and do as they’re told.

If they’re so free, why can their husbands beat them?

If so useless, why do you think before going through me?

I show you that life is the same as before. 

All races are equal and live in harmony. 

“Slavery is dead.” That’s how it’s meant to seem.

Sharecropping—no need to feed them, still you can beat them.

If they’re so free, why can’t they have positions of power?

For Asians and others the “white only” sign covers doors.

 White only forever. For it’s always better. 

If they’re so free, why can’t they dine in or be hired?

I show you the truth that is the world today, 1927!

Freedom is just a jumble of seven letters.

Rights are nothing without actions.

The author's comments:

This is an ekphrastic poem written about Owen Gramme's "Gate" (1927)

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