Two Tiny Dogs | Teen Ink

Two Tiny Dogs

March 19, 2024
By carolinegwebber PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
carolinegwebber PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
27 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only pets I have truly had and cared for. I am the only owner and caregiver they've ever had. Two tiny dogs with fluffy fur and big eyes like mine. Two who can only remember their lives since arriving here. Two sent to cheer up the rest. From my room, I can hear them, but they do this every night and are always okay.

Their strength is fierceness. They can bite through anything. They run up and they run down and pull the leaves with their fur and bite the pinecones with sharp teeth until it’s theirs. This is how they live.

They have no useful purpose, they can’t live on their own, yet, they are here to make us happy. Live, live, live they say when I am down. They inspire.

When I am too sad and too tiny to keep living, when I am a small speck of sand on the beach, then it is I find the dogs. When there is nothing left to feel but sadness. Two who kept on pushing. Two who live and do not forget to live. Two whose only reason is to live and live.

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