false protectors | Teen Ink

false protectors

April 19, 2024
By 4bodway GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
4bodway GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He has been

hurting people

for nearly two decades,

and the judge only gives him 20 years—

a small amount for what he had done.

“I’m sorry” he says,

he even broke down in tears

–but it’s all lies.


Lies to protect


to make them look like

stand up citizens

but they are not;

they are monsters.


They threw

me to the ground,

and put a gun against my head,

they said they were gonna

throw my body in the lake.


I screamed for help

but went unheard,

I’m sorry, Mom and Dad.

I don’t think I am

gonna make it home


All because

of a watch.


As I plea for mercy,

I lay helpless

on the cold hard ground.

How could a person do this?

But they are not people,

they are monsters.


All this for stealing

a watch—

such brutal treatment 

for such a

small thing.


But as I lost hope

a blinding light

came into view.

My wish 

for a second chance

come true.


Now I have finally

won against

these false protectors;

I have finally rid

the world of these monsters.

The author's comments:

With lines from “'Goon Squad' Officer Is Sentenced to 20 Years in Mississippi Torture Cases”by Nate Rosenfield, Jerry Mitchell, Brian Howey, a Pulitzer Center Reporting Project

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