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May 5, 2014
By janelle596 SILVER, Brighton, Michigan
janelle596 SILVER, Brighton, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
& Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together

Sometimes I wish a broken clock meant time was also broken. Frozen in a moment, all worries about the past and future could finally be ignored. For once, I wouldn’t be running out of time or struggling to keep up. If only the screaming tick of the second hand would stop reminding me that a constant deadline is near, and let me enjoy the moment for what it is, not for what it should be.
There’s always something to do, somewhere to be. They say “there’s a time and a place for everything.” But if not now, then when? For time trickles by like a lazy river in the ditches of despair questioning my endurance; my patience. It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. Although, maybe that’s the thing I like most about time: it stays constant while everything else seems to be changing. Or is time the one making everything change?

Time separates. It creates this never ending gap. You can’t make up lost time no matter how hard you try, and believe me, I’ve tried. But, time knows you can’t change the past, for it constantly moves forward, as should you. There’s a reason certain times have been placed behind you and there’s a reason there are certain times yet to come. No matter the situation, you will get through it because time heals all wounds. Stay optimistic because even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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