King Falls | Teen Ink

King Falls

December 4, 2014
By Alonge GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Alonge GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The lion controls the jungle.
No one disrespects him.
He takes care of his kind
and destroys those who are different.
He is King.

His teeth are razor sharp
and his body is massive.
His coat disguises him,
and his mane is his pride.
He is King.

Upon his rest he hears sounds.
As sounds become close he becomes alert.
Foreign sounds frighten the others
He stands up as others hide.
He is King.

He stands upon his rock searching for the sound.
He sees a large metal object.
Bang! He feels a sharp pain. And a hole leaks red.
Bang! Another crippling pain and another hole. He collapses...
He is no longer king.

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