Existence | Teen Ink


April 5, 2016
By Duchess101 BRONZE, Tipton, Iowa
Duchess101 BRONZE, Tipton, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Five seconds of awkward can save you a lifetime of regret." ~Sadie Robertson

Commotion consists of constant annoyance to the brain whether it is around me or far away from me.
Occasionally I tell myself in my head or mutter under my breath for the people around me to close their mouths.
Many times I find out they hear me and comment, anything but my very existence.
More and more the surrounders continue to pretend I am not there and make more noise than a crowd at a baseball game.
On and on I try and understand their reasons for such loud nonsense, and still I don’t.
Too many people, too many personalities, too many noises making me find the commotion that is causing me this stress.
In my head I am saying, “Think about the people you are around and base your actions on them, do not act like they are an endangered species who doesn’t need to be here.”
On and on I try to understand, on and on I think of being an existence.
Not that it is going to happen anyway.

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Pookybear26 said...
on Apr. 11 2016 at 3:39 pm
Beautiful poem, you definitely have talent and a great way of expressing your feelings. Keep it up!

Pookybear26 said...
on Apr. 11 2016 at 3:39 pm
Beautiful poem, you definitely have talent and a great way of expressing your feelings. Keep it up!