Being Scared of Being Scared | Teen Ink

Being Scared of Being Scared

May 11, 2016
By adamk SILVER, Mount Kisco, New York
adamk SILVER, Mount Kisco, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Intimidation is easy at night
when everyday things burst into a fright
you leap when alarmed
bravery is disarmed
it’s no question who wins fight or flight

Your phobias label you pusillanimous
and the decision to run is unanimous
you grab your scared siblings
tell them to quiet their quibblings
because terrifying ghosts aren't often magnanimous

Your panic and shock have controlled you
but you remember what your dad always told you
ghosts aren’t real
turn the lights on and deal
don’t believe what scary movies have sold you.

The author's comments:

This was a piece I wrote for my Creative Writing class that had to be created using as many out of the ordinary words associated with being afraid as possible.

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