Poems written by teens | Teen Ink


Top voted Poetry

#8781voted by our readers
By Rhythm.Weaver GOLD
Derwood, Maryland

If ease is instant gratification Poetry is impossible hardship If peace is born from pacification Then of writing, war has guardianship Forcing the stubborn words onto the page...
Rhythm.Weaver GOLD, Derwood, Maryland
15 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;It gets better. It may seem like ten thousand years, but it gets better.&quot;<br /> <br /> &quot;Don&#039;t take life so seriously; no one gets out alive.&quot;

#8782 Poetry
By Anonymous
#8783 Poetry
By oddblonde17 BRONZE
Lake Orion, Michigan
oddblonde17 BRONZE, Lake Orion, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I-- I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.&quot; -- Robert Frost

#8784 Poetry
By ranchingurl GOLD
Dagmar, Montana
ranchingurl GOLD, Dagmar, Montana
19 articles 2 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself, there&#039;s no one better.

#8785 Poetry
By Anonymous
TayMar GOLD, Copley, Ohio
11 articles 5 photos 18 comments
#8787 Poetry
By Angel_writer1481 SILVER
Springdale, Maryland
Angel_writer1481 SILVER, Springdale, Maryland
8 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don&#039;t take life too seriously, no one gets out of it alive.

#8788 Poetry
By Anonymous
#8789 Poetry
By Susan Fochs BRONZE
Egg Harbor, Wisconsin
Susan Fochs BRONZE, Egg Harbor, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments
#8790 Poetry
By Syann911 BRONZE
Miami, Florida
Syann911 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments