Forgetting you | Teen Ink

Forgetting you

October 11, 2018
By Moesah BRONZE, Santa Ana, California
Moesah BRONZE, Santa Ana, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Forgetting you

Your bittersweet kisses

Make me forget

The worse is gone

When I am with you, I'm at my highest

When you’re gone I feel my lowest

Loving you will kill me yet,

I can’t stop

I know having you stay is a hidden sin

But I think of you every day

Your smile entices me

Your eyes invite me

Your laugh excites me

Your cries break me

Hurting you was not planned, but loving you was

I wish I could take it back

Feel your touch

But you are my past

And someone else’s future

You are not mine

And I need to forget you

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by my broken heart... 

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This article has 103 comments.

Thatweirdkid said...
on Apr. 1 2021 at 10:22 am
Thatweirdkid, Grand Rapids, Michigan
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
This is really good! The emotions journey the narrator went on is powerful and sweet. I has a really good message about letting go too.

aubreyvernon said...
on Apr. 1 2021 at 10:16 am
aubreyvernon, Grandville, Michigan
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
This is so good!!

Nusaybah said...
on Mar. 30 2021 at 9:22 pm
Nusaybah, London, Other
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.”

it is good

on Mar. 12 2021 at 1:57 pm
nightofthe__mist, Peoria, Illinois
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
The people you lose are right next to you

I can feel your pain. i lost the person i loved most in this world due to some drunk guy car crashing in to him and he died over night. I feel your pain

kk_cm47 GOLD said...
on Mar. 1 2021 at 6:57 pm
kk_cm47 GOLD, Fort Worth, Texas
17 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be you, because everyone else is already taken." This quote makes me realize that I'm good enough for anything or anyone. A lot of people talk about how we need to learn how to be ourselves, but this quote has a deeper meaning. At least to me, it means more than being comfortable with who you are.

This hit hard...I'm not going to lie, I can only imagine what happened and how you feel, but I can relate to some extent...I, myself, just went through a break up...last Wednesday...and I completely understand how you feel...I want him back but I can't have him...I miss the way he made me smile, the way he made me laugh, the way he made me feel, like no one else in the world...and I would do anything to have that life back, and not still be here sitting in the friend zone waiting on something that may never come back...he wasn't over his ex, but she's my best friend and now that they're together again, I can't help but sit back and be happy...I just want them to be happy, no matter what it takes... i guess

on Jan. 2 2021 at 4:31 pm
WillC2021 ELITE, Winfield, West Virginia
170 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never give up! Put in the hard work and efforts to achieve your ambitions and goals!

Wonderful poem! This is very well written, brilliant and remarkable.

on Jan. 2 2021 at 4:30 pm
WillC2021 ELITE, Winfield, West Virginia
170 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never give up! Put in the hard work and efforts to achieve your ambitions and goals!

Wonderful poem! This is very well written, brilliant and remarkable.

on Dec. 26 2020 at 6:20 pm
jestelle22 BRONZE, Westfield, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Wow! This was so deep and insightful! Love the word choice! Amazing job.

on Dec. 9 2020 at 6:34 pm
BleuIsSus BRONZE, Boiling Springs, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖌𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖆𝖌𝖊 𝖎𝖘 𝖇𝖊𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖊 𝖚𝖘, 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖇𝖊𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝖚𝖘."<br /> <br /> -𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖆𝖒 𝕾𝖍𝖆𝖐𝖊𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖊

Great poem! This hits really close to home, I was recently in this kind of situation.

20240082 said...
on Oct. 15 2020 at 8:17 am
20240082, Ewing, New Jersey
0 articles 0 photos 5 comments
Love is powerful but don't let it control you.

torrancer said...
on Oct. 15 2020 at 8:06 am
torrancer, Ewing, New Jersey
0 articles 0 photos 10 comments
This was powerful. Loving someone then turning away from that love in the end really does hurt, great poem!

on Sep. 27 2020 at 11:42 am
ArlotoINK BRONZE, Brighton, East Sussex, Other
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, to draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life.

Dope stuff. Big love from the UK

on Sep. 15 2020 at 6:02 pm
cringing_pandamonium, Gilbert, Arizona
0 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"the man who reads lives a thousand lives and the man who doesn't lives only one."

yes.... this is where i belong!! HELLO MY POET PEEPS!!>:D

on Aug. 10 2020 at 5:00 am
Princessknightrachael, Lagos, Other
0 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
never give up, <br /> love conquerors all,<br /> good always wins the bad

wow that was lovely. nice to see your poem,i'm a new member Rachael

mayurisri said...
on Jul. 18 2020 at 12:10 pm
mayurisri, Vienna, Virginia
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Thoughts are the exact mirror of your life"

A relatable one!

on Jul. 4 2020 at 2:19 pm
ForgottenEcho PLATINUM, San Diego, California
22 articles 0 photos 21 comments

Favorite Quote:
sanity is overrated.

Wow. I am like totally speechless now.... I wish I could write poetry like that. 😉

on Apr. 27 2020 at 7:20 pm
VoltaireGemini20 BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 1 photo 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I am but a merry wanderer of the night.”

What I find so relatable about this beautiful poem is knowing that you shouldn’t love someone but end up loving them anyway. And also balancing wanting to hurt and cherish them.

katia_na said...
on Feb. 22 2020 at 9:38 pm
katia_na, Smoky Lake, Alberta
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
If this was a story <br /> I would say to wait for the ending <br /> But this is a poem <br /> And poems don't have endings

Hey if you ever need someone to talk to im here because believe me I know how much love can push like, people don't seem to understand that love can kill or save and we all gamble in it we that advantage in it because we don't understand.

yusufmahmoud said...
on Dec. 19 2019 at 2:25 pm
yusufmahmoud, Sacramento, California
0 articles 0 photos 6 comments
what I like about the poem is that its about the love he has for his sweetheart. Talking about "your eyes invite me, your laugth excites me."But, loving someone so much that he hast to be away from her.

on Dec. 19 2019 at 2:25 pm
MahendraSingh, Sacramento, California
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
This poetry is very heartfull i'd love to read more